Tuesday, 20 February 2007

1. What do you think of my blog?
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what I could do to make my Practical Production really successful?
What other things could I include in the production?
How should I go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?


Eating disorder said...

* so far you blog looks good and you have done alot of background work. Also you have included videos which is goood and your footage looks good

*you could include a documentary outline, so we know what you are going to include

* maybe add some pictures
keep up the good work :)

Islamophobia said...

1. I think you have got some really good research e.g.the videos from Youtube. You could add some footage of the filming that you've done so far.
2. I think you could add things such as archive footage etc to your final production.


x Wild disorder x said...

* So far your blog looks good as you have analysed a variety of documentaries helping you with your production.

* This documentary seems as is it going to be good as you have got some footage from the actual place giving the documentary a authenticity look as you have actual got the footage your self.

* Things that you can improve on is give a brief outline making us understand the documentary you’re going to produce better.

* Overall, your blog looks good, keep the good work up and good luck...

x Hardy x

The Morea's said...

your research is all very detailed and informative, the you tube links also adds to this.
To improve, I think you could post up some shots you have currently produced.
For post production it would be a good idea to use parallel music such as a "positive", "happy" sountrack being present in scenes which show donations as it would therefore compliment the action and your narrative which focuses on a positive issue.

Its A Womans World said...

You've obviously got alot of research done which is really good.

You could show a description of how you want to show your concept, maybe including what you want to include in the doc.

You should also try to ensure you are showing a different view point from the other documentaries, as there are quite a few similar documentaries.
Pooja x

Islamophobia said...

Your blog looks wicked! Mashallah, you have put alot of effort in to this, may allah S.B.W.T Bless you! There is plenty of information for others to read about your blog, which is excellent.

Errm there is nothing to improve,evrthing is excellent so far.Maybe you can add some pictures, that will make your blog look even more better

Inshallah you will do well, keep up the hardwork.

Xx Naziya Xx

Its A Womans World said...

your blog is good and youve got alow of nformation on it but its a bit plain!!i like the fact ur orking on ur own but u can relate to the production which is better.
and big up kashmir coz its my dads name!
good wor overall and some images of the country and some more background history.
good luk

thelavishlife said...

I think that you’ve done a lot of research which is good and I think the pictures used are really good as they help to stress your point. They have a shocking effect and make the audience think. Also, I think the topic you’re covering is really interesting, but your blog could be improved as you could post up clear plans of what you’ve done and are going to do. Also, you briefs could be a bit more detailed to help us understand better.
I think you should use some dramatic music to shock the audience and to draw them in.


Kunal said...

You’ve got a lot of analysed archive footage posted up on your blog which is good as it shows that you’ve done a lot of detailed analysis which will help you with your doc. I think you’ve chosen a good topic and your blog is nice and simple to read.

In order to improve your blog you could try and upload some of your footage so that you can get some advice from other media students. Also, try and post up a detailed structure/plan of your documentary so that everything is a little clearer for you.

I think you should use a mix of ethnic and emotional western music in your doc. Recommend slow shots to emphasise a prolonged sense of pain that the victims of the earthquake are feeling.

Good luck with everything and well done…


Eating disorder said...

Blog looks soooo kool! got some really good info on there and some wicked footage!!

you cud probably add more picures that show the incidents!! you could write out a documenary outline saying what you have/havnt done!


aLL foR a BoY said...

*Your blog looks really good. You can tell that you have gathered a lot of background research so that you can relate to your text with it.
*Maybe try and consider posting up still images or even some footage from your production.
*I t hink yu should start your documentary off by howing a clip of children or happy family's and then all of a sudden a disturbing image (still) of teh disturbance caused...?

good luck for post prodution....


Athar Mahmood said...

bizzzz reeli like ur blog...very different alot of footage posted up der WELL DONE...LOL..erm wt can b improved i duno erm :S:S ill get bak 2 u on dat 1
2. 4rm what we saw in class...was dat scene of u in da car filin wts ahed of u...its lyk proper raw footage and its better without the tripod because of the whole movement thing LOL
ohhh memba that song by destiny's child...stand up 4 love...i swr that was 4 da earthquake in america..or da hurricane...u cud use dat !!!
lol kl zebra xxx

RAV23 said...

I think your documentary is something that would come up on discovery channel or channel 4.

The footage i saw in class looked very professional (even if you were filming sitting inside a bus) and i think its going to look very interesting.

For post production, i would say try getting the sound clip of the twin towers falling becuase the sound of the towers collapsing might be helpful in your opening sequence after the prayer part.


The Morea's said...

the blog looks really good, with good detailed progress reports and lot of research, i like the vidoes that u put up on the blog, it really shows good info about the topic that ur doing, and the colour of ur blog whic looks good.
i think u should put up some more pictures and some shots of ur production.
use a lot of documentary conventions to make it look good, and use some of the vidoes to help u about the topic.

good luck for the editing

Karandeep said...

1. Your blog looks good so far and you've analysed a range of texts, however i think more information could be provided about the documentary itself.

2. Make use of a voiceover for the production, and you could archival footage to the production


Athar Mahmood said...

your blog looks good! the research and videos you've got are quite interesting..

your footage looks good too.. you should add archive footage too..

keep up the good work!!


thelavishlife said...

i realli like the layout of your blog it look good...and well organsied...looks like ders alot of research soo thats realli good...keeep it up..(videos on yuotube) havnt seen your footage yet..but so far it looks realli good...and it does seem organised so im sure the production will be aswel...so keep it up(",)


Kunal said...
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Kunal said...

your blog looks really good and it looks as if you have taken a mature to the topic and that shows that you are commited to your work. looks like you know what you are doing and i cant wait to see your production as it looks like it is going to be really good from your research.

i like the videos you have posted up from youtube as they are relevant to the topic. try and include different perspectives and point of views of different ethnicities and try and include sound to further attract the audience.


The Morea's said...

You blog looks really good and informational. It's quiet interesting to see that you've shown things that you are planning to put into your blog such as 'the Azan' which is very useful. Also you've done alot of research on your subject which shows that you are very determained and think that you should include alot of extreme footage to show your point of vieew to the audience.


aLL foR a BoY said...

your blog looks very good and is reasearch documentaries into a lot of depth and the you tube video clips looks good.


i think you should add some images of the filming you have done so far maybe. other then that your blog looks good.


..eCmO.. said...

this blog is lookin good uve got clips and pics and a heck load of reasearch so i cant really see no faults cant wait to c ur doc

loads of luck


Kirandeep said...

Your blog seems very interesting and informative. the research is very detailed and the images are very effective
- good luck, hope it all goes well


rav01 said...

your blog looks very good and the videos were interesting to watch aswell. I think you should add an outline though so we know what topics you will be covering and how you will go about it.
The footage you got though was sick when you were sitting on a bus i think, that was good to capture the life in Kashmir.

Chintan said...

1. Good, soild research is here.

2. You could post up footage of your production so far.

3. The choice of music will be important

4. Voiceover can be used

Good Luck!

Final Beat said...

1. I really like the way your blog is laid out, look really professional, and the contrast between colours is good.
2. May be in post production you could add a lot of montage sequence with contrapuntal sound, to make the earthquake seem really daunting.

Sundeep Kahlon

Final Beat said...

1. I eckon you got some really good research and you adding videos makes it more clearer on what exactly you are doing so well done.

2. for ur final production add some footage from other documentraies or other sources innit to make it look like you got information from everywhere.


Nikki said...

I can't wait to see the scene with parallel and contrapuntal cut-aways/scenes with the azan playing over the scenes. That montage will be really effective- great idea!

Close-ups within the documentary could be effective to emphasise negative emotions, such as people crying. Hope that helps!